Journey to be a Professional Web Developer and Technical Content Writer | Web Developer from Nepal

This is my first article, and I just wanted to share my story about how and why I started to learn to program.


7 min read

Journey to be a Professional Web Developer and Technical Content Writer | Web Developer from Nepal

Another newbie writer. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yup, I know that. Don't worry about me. I will get better someday. I promise. Anyway,

Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

My name is Raman Karki from Biratnagar, Nepal. I'm an 18 years old high school student pursuing technical education. I have a passion for programming and solving problems. I have been thinking about this for quite some time now. Finally, I think it's time to get into it.

I'm really excited to start writing articles. Let me tell you the objective of my articles and my goals.

But first, Story time about me. Let's travel back in time.

I have been an average student and an introvert in all my school time. Therefore, I didn't use to have many friends. I didn't hate school but didn't like it either. I was just doing the things I was told to do by my parents without thinking anything. I was soo dumb.

But time will help us grow.

However, after starting high school, I was bored studying these subjects such as physics, mathematics, chemistry. But I loved computers, mainly software parts. I wanted to be a software developer though I didn't know if it was possible without studying Physics and Chemistry.

And I didn't want to go to college either because I had already given up on high school. I was just passing the school exams.

So, I started searching on google how to become a software developer.

What else could I do, right?

I found many articles and online courses to guide me through the path to becoming a software developer. I was surprised to see those courses and articles that could teach me to become a software developer cause I had never seen such a thing before.

I saw many people on Youtube videos. They were all learning to code on their own and getting a job at the top tech companies.

And that's what motivated me to learn to code on my own too. My only objective was to learn to code and get a job.

What else could a lost teenager want, right?

By the way, I am still a teenager. ๐Ÿ˜‚

By the time I was searching for online courses and programming languages. I found the python programming language to be popular and easy to learn for a beginner. Also, It had many supporting developer groups that could help me grow faster.

I remember taking some free courses on the python programming language on Udemy. I was so happy to learn to code and to solve programming problems also to fix bugs.

But I found that only writing small scripts and learning to code wasn't enough to be a python developer. You have to build some actual projects to show.

So, I wanted to build some awesome projects while having fun.

I was using Linux OS cause I found they are better for programming. I decided to build some desktop games. So, I began to learn the pygame library to make some desktop games.

I had a great experience learning the pygame library and building some games like Flappy Bird. It took me some days to figure out how to make that game and to code, but I had fun during the whole time.

I also read some books on the python language and solved problems given in those books. I learned about GUI (Graphical User Interface) and wrote some scripts with GUI-based libraries.

๐Ÿ•‘ A couple of months passed. While I was learning python, I came across hacking.

I found hacking to be more fun and interesting, and I started watching Youtube videos on hacking and top hackers. I was continuously watching hacking videos and reading articles, and Before I knew it, I was already into hacking. So, I started searching for ethical hacking courses and began learning.

Later, I realized that you should have expertise with UNIX-like OS, networking, scripting, programming language, databases, and web technologies to be a hacker. It was too much. I was trying to learn all those things, literally all of them.

I was stupid, I know that.

However, After a couple of months, I got overwhelmed and realized that I wasn't progressing on anything. I was confused and spent some time thinking about what to do. I read some articles, watched youtube videos, and later discovered that,

If you will try to learn everything, you will master nothing.

So finally,

I decided to stick with one. I found web development more exciting, and it had more job possibilities. I was so motivated to work with other developers in a group.

And that's what caused me to learn web technologies like Html, CSS, JavaScript. After learning for a few months, I began to build projects like landing pages and games like tic-tac-toe.

After learning those for a couple of months,

I began learning React and the Redux library. It helps in building fast and scalable web apps. Then, I started to build web apps like a weather app, to-do list, job search, etc.

I started feeling a bit confident.

Later, I wanted to build full-stack apps like a chat app or social media app. So to develop an API for those projects, I needed to learn backend technologies like Nodejs, Express, and MongoDB.

After learning those technologies and building projects, I began to feel overconfident.

And you know what happens if you get overconfident.

I thought that I was ready for a job. So, I started to build a portfolio. I designed my portfolio in Figma and began to build with React and hosted with Netlify. I didn't take much time to think about my portfolio and immediately jumped for hunting. I looked for jobs in some tech organizations. However, every one of them requested a degree which I didn't have.

After investing such a lot of time and energy on learning and building yet didn't land any position,

I was discouraged and didn't know what to do. I tried freelancing on Fiverr. But it felt like it wasn't for me. I wasted 2 - 3 months doing nothing. I wasn't studying at school and wasn't building any projects. I was only watching youtube videos and anime. I got bored and started searching "how to make money online" on YouTube. Most of them were all shi*.

How do I know?

Well, I tried all of them. And it didn't work. I wasted so much time searching for shortcuts to make money. But I did learn many things and found some legit long-term ways like Blogging, Digital marketing, Affiliate marketing, selling products and services online, and building own brand.

But as I said before, one can't master everything at once. So I decided to stick with one. And that was to be a Web developer and write articles about whatever I learn or know about. AKA Technical content writer.

I realized,

There is no shortcut for making any progress or money. And if there is, It won't last long.

I also realized that I had many bad habits and a poor mindset which could stop me from meeting my goals. So, I decided to work on it and share my experiences with you and myself in the future. And that's what motivated me to start blogging. I wish I had known about blogging when I had just started to code.

Now back to the previous question,

Why am I blogging?

There is a saying,

The best way to learn anything is to teach others.

That's why I have started blogging to explain whatever I learn by simplifying as much as possible to help you and myself in the future so that we can grow together.

What are my future articles going to be?

My upcoming articles will be about Web development and related fields. I may also share some of my personal experiences.

What are my goals?

  • To be a web developer and a Technical content writer,
  • Build projects that could solve our problems,
  • Share knowledge with others,

So, that was my story about how I started programming and the reason to start blogging and writing articles. I wish to learn, share and grow together who are like me.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have something to share or want me to blog on any topic,

please leave your comment below. ๐Ÿ’ฌ ๐Ÿ”ฝ

I would love to hear your story about how you started programming.
